It's really all about YOU!

My focus is on listening to you, observing you, and learning as much as I can about you.  I feel that when people come into your home they should be able to tell what is really important to you, and have a sense of your family's personality.  Doesn't it make sense that you should feel at home - when you are at home?

About Me:

I have been in the design industry for more than thirty years, and in that time, I've come to refine my business philosophy to a few important details:

1) I am not designing to create a name for myself, but to create an environment for a family.

2) That environment should beautifully represent the people who live within the home – what matters to them, what gets them up and going in the morning, and what brings them together in the evening. Lifestyle. Haven. Home. All of these elements need to be in place, so that individuals thrive.

3) The process should be enjoyable and fun. Everyone is heard, budgets are respected and met, and visions are fulfilled (perhaps even better than they were originally dreamed).

